Concrete Slab in Dallas: Repair or Replace?

As we head into Spring, you may notice that your concrete slab in Dallas isn’t quite as sturdy and solid as it once was. Salt and water damage from winter roads can take its toll, while water runoff and freezing can create cracks and dents. 

So the question is, do you repair or replace? Take a look at this article to help you decide the best option to get your concrete slab looking - and functioning - its best.  

It’s a new age

Even a decade ago, most contractors would immediately suggest replacing a damaged concrete surface. Fortunately, there are newer, less-expensive options available now. 

The savings don’t stop with your wallet. Replacing a slab entirely uses a lot of resources including demolition, removal, hauling in new concrete, and repouring. It all takes a lot of fuel and water! Repairing your concrete isn’t just a “greener” option, it’s more sustainable. 

So how do you decide? 

A contractor or concrete professional can analyze your concrete slab in Dallas

They’ll evaluate the integrity of your original slab and consider how deteriorated it actually is. Concrete does, and will eventually, wear out! By paying attention to a few things like dramatic shifts in temperature, you can catch serious problems before they’re too big. 

If they see something called spalling (exposed aggregate in your concrete) you’re headed for a full replacement. Are your current concrete woes due to poor installation? That may also be cause for a new slab. 

However, if it’s just surface level chips and wear you’re facing, repair is an excellent option. Typically, if the repair would require more than two inches of concrete material, it would be better for the structural integrity of your building to replace the slab.

Less than that, and you can look forward to a freshly repaired surface! It may also pay to consider having your concrete surface polished and sealed to ward off future chips and cracks. 

A contractor will also take into consideration clearance issues that may arise from pouring an extra layer over your existing concrete. Not long ago, situations like this would have made repairs impossible. Fortunately, new technology means professionals can now pour a fine layer that not only improves the appearance of a concrete slab, but its structural integrity as well. 

A strong foundation 

As mentioned earlier, poor installation can cause a lot of issues with concrete slab in Dallas. For example, if expansion joints aren’t spaced properly, you’ll see cracks as concrete expands and contracts in varying temperatures. 

In this situation, replacement is unavoidable, as these large cracks will cause erosion. Although resurfacing may be less expensive, you’ll deal with a bigger bill down the road! 

Ready to upgrade your concrete? Contact Exposed Design Group today! 

After nearly a decade of concrete slab repair and remediation, Exposed Design Group has experience with almost every kind of installation and repair. We specialize in commercial, industrial, and retail repair projects. In many cases, our skilled team is able to point out potential issues before they even arise! 

Our crew at Exposed Design Group deals with the following slab issues:

  • Concrete Slab Repair and Replacement

  • Concrete Slab Crack Repair

  • Concrete Slab Floor Leveling

Contact us today for help with your concrete slab problems! 

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