Why do I need to waterproof my concrete?

If you’re wondering why your concrete flooring seems to damage quicker than expected or what you can do to help it, here is your answer. 

Waterproofing your concrete enhances your flooring and structural integrity of your building. Protect your concrete and maintain a safe and healthy environment by using this method.

The Benefits of Waterproof Concrete

Concrete is prone to damage, but you can minimize these risks by waterproofing it. This is the best way to keep your floors in pristine condition and easy to maintain. 

Here are some top reasons you will benefit from waterproofing your concrete

Protect The Foundation Of Your Building

Waterproofing your concrete will increase the lifespan and durability of your building. It limits the amount of water and moisture that can enter through the ceiling, walls or floor. 

Waterproofing your concrete will protect your structure or flooring from water-induced damage such as:

  • Rust

  • Rotting

  • Corrosion

  • Deterioration

Build up of water can also create a network of capillary voids, which provides additional routes for water to penetrate and increase the damage. The risk of water ingress increases if your building is set on soil that is more prone to holding in additional moisture. 

Waterproofing decreases the risk of drying shrinkage and the permeability of concrete. This is the most effective way to improve and maintain your building’s flooring and overall structure.

Keep Your Concrete Clean

Water creates the perfect environment for fungus, mold, mildew and other hazardous microorganisms to thrive. If growth of these microorganisms occur, it can induce serious health related issues such as a weakened immune system, allergies and asthma. 

In other words, it can become a serious health risk to those in the building. Waterproofed concrete provides a safe, healthy and clean environment to work or live in. It is much easier to maintain and clean, especially after a heavy rainstorm or flooding. It provides a safeguard for the integrity of the building and the people within it. 

Save money and Increase Property Value

Waterproofing your concrete will save you money in many ways and may even increase your ROI. 

Concrete that isn’t waterproof is prone to cracks, shrinkage and temperature-related stresses. The cost to maintain waterproofed concrete decreases and is cost-effective compared to expensive repairs you’d need to make on regular, non waterproof concrete. It will prevent water leakage and structural damage. 

Waterproofing your concrete also increases the value of your property if you intend on selling it in the future. It is an excellent selling point because nobody wants to buy a building or house that will have water issues in the future. It ensures the buyer that they will have less maintenance and hassle with the flooring

Enhance Your Concrete Flooring with Expert Help

Ask for help to get top-quality waterproof flooring today with the assistance of some of the most experienced professionals in the industry. Waterproof your concrete and make the most out of your flooring and building structure with us here at Exposed Design Group. Our professionals will use their expertise to enhance your concrete flooring saving you money and keeping you and others in the building healthy. 

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